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#NMO_ORG Obtains Global Quality Certificate "ISO9001:2015"

Today, Monday 06/12/2021, “Nahda Makers Organization” officially obtained the ISO 9001:2015 Global certificate for quality management systems standards. Obtaining this prestigious certificate in the field of quality and performance coincides with the 9th Anniversary of its founding...

#NMO_ORG launches “Education Support for IDPs” project

Within its sector in the field of Education and Child Protection, #NMO_ORG launched its new project which is “Education Support for IDPs” in Lahj and Al-Hodeidah, funded by #YHF. This project, which will be implemented in the governorates of Lahj "Al-Musaimir" and Al-Hodeidah "Al-K...

#NMO_ORG distributes emergency shelter kits for flood-affected families

As part of its plan to alleviate the suffering of the displaced and those affected, whether by conflict or natural disasters, and within its permanent plan for humanitarian response, #NMO_ORG recently distributed emergency shelter Kits, with the support and coordination of the #Shelter_Cluster,...