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#NMO_ORG launches third-party monitoring and evaluation of projects in Yemen.

#NMO_ORG launches third-party monitoring and evaluation of projects in Yemen in areas of governance human rights and civil society, funded by the #European_Union and in partnership with #Particip, which targets local civil society associations, institutions, initiatives and organizations, in (Aden - Lahj - Abyan - Al-Dhalea - Shabwa - Hadramout - Marib – Al-Hodeidah) governorates.


The project aims to collect data of local civil society organizations and institutions and find out the extent of their effectiveness during the last seven years and their areas of geographical intervention and fields of work to build a database and a participatory action map with the European Union, to highlight the needs and policies of civil society organizations and institutions.

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#Nahda_Makers Organization is rehabilitating Hasanat Road

As part of the Protection, Shelter, CCCM and Emergency Assistance Activities for IDPs and Returnees project, and with funding from #UNHCR, #Nahda_Makers Organization rehabilitated the Hasanat Road in the Sala District of Taiz with the aim of improving the infrastructure and alleviating the suff...

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