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Protection, shelter, camp management and coordination

About Program

With its shelter program objective in sight, “Respond efficiently to the needs of displaced persons, refugees, and returnees”, NMO has implemented a project to assist the most vulnerable IDPs. More than 7.3 million Yemeni requiring Shelter/NFI assistance, almost 2.9 million individuals live in extremely dire conditions, 75% are women and children. Further, more than half a million families are experiencing protracted displacement, and the vast majority reside in sub-standard shelter conditions. For that reason, NMO has worked to Shelter/NFIs and looking for medium-term solutions as well as identifying durable solutions such as local integration or return when possible." On the other hand, NMO aims at improving the living condition of displaced families living on these informal IDP sites and similarly vulnerable surrounding host communities. Assisting these communities to strengthen their resilience and participate in decisions affecting their lives will be achieved through a participatory approach (IDP committees, e.g.). Maintenance of IDPs sites is considered one of the goals that NMO is looking for to Ensure care of the site’s infrastructure, while mitigating the impacts of environmental degradation including mobilization and participation of the inhabitants of the site for supervision and maintenance of infrastructure 

Program in Numbers


78736 shelter and non-food items were distributed

13812 emergency shelters have been distributed

20 community centers have been rehabilitated

330 war-damaged houses have been rehabilitated and provided with solar energy

4961 camp management and coordination activities have been implemented

Number of Beneficiaries
Number of Projects
The Intervention Areas
Aden - Lahj - Abyan - Al Dhalea - Taiz - Al Hodeidah
Number of donors and partners

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