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Under A safe Roof

The ongoing conflict since 2015 has led to catastrophic consequences for citizens’ homes, many of which were completely or partially destroyed, and this caused the displacement of many of the residents of these homes, as many of them are still unable to return till now due to the prices increase and the deterioration of the economic situation in the country  Taizz city is one of the most affected cities in Yemen because many of the neighborhoods of this city are located in the frontlines that separate the two sides of the conflict.
Issam Qasim Muhammad Al-Hubaishi, 50 years old, a resident of Taizz Governorate, his home was damaged by the conflict. Issam is married and has a family of six members (four children in addition to his wife), and they all live in his house in Al-Shammasi, Salh District, Taizz Governorate.

Issam starts his story by telling about his life before the war, saying, “I was happy in my home with my family, my life was stable, and my financial situation was good, as I used to work as a teacher, in addition, I used to have a bus for rent from which I used to earn my income, and my children used to attend the school regularly"…Then Issam moves on to talk about the war and how it affected his life and caused the destruction of his home, saying...  "Suddenly, war broke out in the country, and our lives turned into a state of panic and fear as the clashes reached our area. Our house was hit by several shells, which led to the burning of my house and the furniture in it.”

and he adds... "At the beginning of the war, we went through stages of extreme fear and terror, especially after my mother died and I lost my job. Therefore, on that day, I decided to leave my home and flee with the rest of my family to survive. We didn't have any money at that time to rent a house, so we took refuge in a nearby house, which was safer"... What further added to Isam's suffering, according to his words, is that his wife was suffering from a genetic disease, liver disease, in addition to being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis during the displacement. This made her bedridden and unable to move except with the use of a wheelchair. In this regard, Isam tells us that he managed to treat his wife with the help of generous benefactors, and her condition improved slightly, but she still requires permanent medicines".

In 2023, the Nahda Makers Organization (#NMO) funded by (#UNHCR) intervened in a project to rehabilitate houses damaged by war in Salh District, Taizz Governorate. The #NMO field team went to the targeted sites in the Al-Shammasi area - Salh district Taizz Governorate. Among the names that were submitted by the local authority was the name of the beneficiary, Issam Qasim Muhammad Al-Hubaishi. The Nahda Makers team met with Issam, and his house was targeted.

In this regard, Issam said, “Although the intensity of the clashes has subsided in our area for some time, I have been unable to return to my home because it suffered extensive damage, and I did not have enough money to repair and rehabilitate it.” He continued, saying, "But thanks to Allah and the intervention of #NMO funded by UNJCR through the project of rehabilitation of damaged houses, myself and many others whose houses were affected were able to rehabilitate our homes and return to them after years of enduring the suffering of displacement and the indignity of staying in other people's homes".

Finally, Isam confirms that this assistance contributed to solving the biggest concerns faced by owners of damaged houses, which facilitated the return of many people to their homes and led to a skyrocketing increase in rental prices and a scarcity of available apartments for rent.

Before we left, Isam bid farewell with these words, " I will remain hopeful that the situation in our country improves, and our jobs return. Therefore, my family and I express our gratitude and appreciation to Allah Almighty, and to everyone who funded, contributed, participated, planned, executed, and monitored this project, both from the personnel of #NMO and #UNHCR ".

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