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Food to Resilience (FuTuRe)

Food to Resilience (FuTuRe) is a project funded by #BMZ in partnership with the World Food Programme #WFP that aims to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities to crises and achieve food security.

The project seeks to move from providing emergency food aid to building community resilience through sustainable development projects.

This includes improving livelihoods, strengthening agricultural infrastructure, and providing training and support to families to enable them to secure their food needs sustainably and independently.

 Coverage Seiyun - Shibam - Al-Qatn - Wadi Al-Ain in Hadhramaut Governorate
 Funder BMZ
 Partner WFP
Implementer NMO
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Success Stories

From Struggle to Success

Hadhramaut governrate, faces critical and complex challenges as a result of ongoing conflicts that have deeply impacted various aspects of life. Additionally, economic and environmental deterioration has significantly worsened the situation. speaking of the district of Al-Qatn is among the most...

From the seeds of hope to the fruits of success

Hadramout region in the southeastern Yemen is facing critical conditions due to the ongoing conflicts, economic deterioration, and environmental degradation. Particularly, in the districts of AlQatn, Sayun, Shibam, and Wadi AlAyn that are severely affected, leading to high levels of food insecu...

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