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From the seeds of hope to the fruits of success

Hadramout region in the southeastern Yemen is facing critical conditions due to the ongoing conflicts, economic deterioration, and environmental degradation. Particularly, in the districts of AlQatn, Sayun, Shibam, and Wadi AlAyn that are severely affected, leading to high levels of food insecurity, malnutrition, and limited access to basic services.

Faisal Mabkhout Bala’ala, who resides in Bala’ala village, AlQatn district, is one of the beneficiaries of “Food to Resilience (FuTuRe)” project funded by #BMZ , implemented by the in partnership with World Food Programme #WFP and implemented by Nahda Makers Organization. Faisal, who has spent most of his life in agricultural work, shares his story after being introduced to innovative farming techniques through the project.

Faisal explains that this season of zucchini cultivation was completely different for him because he used agricultural tunnels for the first time. In the past, he relied on traditional methods that required significant effort, expenses, and time, yet yielded small and unsatisfactory crops that barely covered the costs. With the introduction of agricultural tunnels, Faisal witnessed a significant difference. He describes the new method as easy, inexpensive, and resulting in abundant and high-quality crops.

Furthermore, Faisal highlights the positive impact that agricultural tunnels had on marketing his products. In the past, all his crops were of poor quality, making it difficult to sell them. However, with improved quality and the uniqueness of his crops using the innovative method, Faisal gained popularity in the market.

Faisal concludes his story by expressing his gratitude and appreciation to the engineers and consultants in the project “Food to Resilience (FuTuRe)” project funded by #BMZ , implemented by the in partnership with World Food Programme #WFP and implemented by #NMO, which worked to implement many activities that enabled farmers, most notably the reclamation of agricultural lands and bringing them back to life and introducing them to these latest agricultural technologies, which have positively changed his life.


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