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Poor capabilities and skills of employees at the level of executive offices in the local authority in Taiz governorate or in  the local authority in its directorates, due to the lack of qualifications  of  the existing staff, and a large group of them were referred to retirement and another group displaced outside the governorate and the leakage of some employees with expertise to the private sectors  or organizations because  of the lack of their pension ,and also because of the conflict that continues to this day

 Mr. Fadel  AL-Shaibani - Director of the Civil Service and Insurance Office- , one of the DFTs, described the current situation in the local authority and districts, saying: "The urgent need in the local authority and districts to develop their capabilities to improve their leadership, administrative, supervisory and oversight performance, and the weak involvement of senior leaders in the local authority in training programs and courses that contribute significantly in their managerial growth"

Through the intervention of the Project to Strengthen Institutional and Economic Resilience in Yemen (#SIERY) funded by the #European_Union and implemented by #UNDP through #Nahda_Makers Organization to improve the level of resilience of local governance systems in Yemen, and thus improve the level of community resilience and the ability of conflict-affected communities to recover, and at the same time, it aims to strengthen the capabilities of local authority employees through which ten facilitators were selected and trained at the governorate level , and ten other facilitators at the level of each of the targeted districts, which worked to increase the level of awareness among the leaders of the local authority in the governorate and the local authorities in other districts.

Mr. Fadl Al-Shaibani praised the role done by Nahda Makers Organization ( #NMO ) and the United Nations Development Program ( #UNDP ) in implementing a series of specialized training courses that were held, which included courses in participatory planning, a course in the life of the project and a course in the law of tenders and budgets, the trainings are still on progress up to this day

Mr.Fadl AL-Shaibani expressed the effective impact sought by the local authority and its executive offices, saying:" The local authority and its executive offices have become capable of participatory planning and institutional analysis to assess capabilities, and by acquiring these  knowledge and skills and their ability to transfer them to their colleagues in the work environment, and this is a step towards changing, improving, and raising the level of performance and efficiency of the local authority institutions. As the local authority and its offices have more than 40 male and female employees who have new skills in the practical field and the ability to raise participatory plans. They are also able to analyze the institutions of the local authority and its executive offices, evaluate their capabilities, and know the strengths and weaknesses, according to a method, prepared tools, and specific criteria."

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