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#NMO_ORG continues to build the capabilities of its employees by holding training courses and workshops

Because "Learning" is one of its values, #NMO_ORG continues to build the skills and capabilities of its employees through the implementation of training courses and workshops.

The organization has recently implemented “Microsoft Power Query” course for its employees in various departments.

This course, which was trained by the "Information Management officer” , and which lasted for 3 days, in which the participants trained on several skills, includes: recognizing the usefulness of Power Query, fetching tables, making modifications to them and handling errors, making pivot tables, filtering unwanted files, and how to deal with two files from two or more different sources and other different training topics.

All with the aim of extracting and processing data and then storing that processed data through Power Query for Excel, an add-on that provides a seamless experience of data discovery and transformation, enriching information industry professionals as well as professionals, Power BI users and other Excel users.

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