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#NMO holds opening ceremony of quick impact projects in Aden

with the patronage of the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Dr. / Abthaj Al-Kamal.
And with the support of #UNHCR,
#NMO is did the opening ceremony of quick impact projects for four community centers in Aden.

The ceremony was this morning in the Safe Childhood Center, included a number of educational and promotional activities for children who participated in the success of the project and recreational activities for children. Also in a number of presence government figures, civil society organizations and media was there

At the ceremony, Deputy Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Dr. Sadiq Al-Ghanami expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Commission for its support of the project and to #NMO who carried out the project in a record period.

The representative of #UNHCR, T. Muammar Alwan, said that #UNHCR is seeking to provide assistance that people need.

Additionally, the Executive Director of #NMO, Mr. Mohamed El Sayed, said that this project is quick impact and sustainable at the same time, noting that this project comes within several projects implemented by the Organization in several sectors.

The Director of the Center for Safe Childhood, T. Samiha Mubarak, expressed her great pleasure for this project, which will contribute to the continued protection of children.

The ceremony was attended by the Director-General of the Office of Social Affairs and Labor, Mr. Ayoub Abu Bakr, Director of Al-Ma'ala Directorate, Mr. Fahad Mashbak, and a number of prominent personalities in civil society organizations.

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