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#NMO implemented the Livelihood Improvement and Capacity Development Project for Coastal Communities in South Yemen

#NMO is implementing the Livelihood Improvement and Capacity Development Project for Coastal Communities in South Yemen, in partnership with #NRC and funded by the #European_Commission.

The project trains young people on the maintenance of marine engines, and the location of the imbalance and how to change parts and replace them, as well as the importance of each part of the marine engine, which is an important part of the life of fishermen in Aden and Lahj.

Additionally, The project aims to create employment opportunities for young people in coastal communities, where these areas lack skilled hands and expertise in engine maintenance.

In fact, the project targets 100 young people in the maintenance of marine engines and 100 other young people in the manufacture and maintenance of fiberglass insulators in the coastal strip of Aden and Lahj. In addition to training 550 fishermen in good fishing practices.

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