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Nahda Makers Organization distributed 1,650 items for the IDPS in Abyan governorate funded by #UNHCR

Nahda Makers Organization distributed 1,650 items for the IDPS in Abyan governorate funded by #UNHCR
Nahda Makers Organization distributed 1650 non food items in Zangbar and Khanfar Directorates in Abyan Governorate. This come with NFI\ CRI assement and distribution project for IDPs, funded by #UNHCR. This distribution aimed to cover the IDPS needs in shelter and alleviate their suffering, especially in the situation of the country. The Project manager in #Nahda_Makers_Organization , T. Ahmed Al-Hakimi , thanked the local authority and all who contributed to the distribution success. In fact, The project is continuing and targeting the IDPS in (Aden - Abyan - Lahj – AlDali – Taiz ) governorates

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