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#NMO_ORG Launches the emergency shelter and non-food distribution project in Abyan

#NMO_ORG launches the emergency shelter and non-food items distribution project  to 90 displaced familiesin Abyan Governorate (Zongobar), with support from #UNHCR.


The distribution, which #NMO_ORG continues to implement it, aimed to alleviate the suffering  and provide the needs of the IDPS who are under the difficult conditions in due to their displacement from conflict areas.

This project is considered one of the most prominent projects implemented by #NMO_ORG at 8 governorates: (Aden - Abyan - Lahj - Taiz - Al Hudaydah - Al Dhale'e - Shabwa - Hadramout).

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#Nahda_Makers Organization is rehabilitating Hasanat Road

As part of the Protection, Shelter, CCCM and Emergency Assistance Activities for IDPs and Returnees project, and with funding from #UNHCR, #Nahda_Makers Organization rehabilitated the Hasanat Road in the Sala District of Taiz with the aim of improving the infrastructure and alleviating the suff...

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