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#NMO_ORG implements one of its most prominent projects in food security and livelihoods

#Nahda_Makers Organization continues its plan for a permanent humanitarian response and with the support of #DKH, the organization is currently implementing one of its most prominent projects in the food security and livelihoods sector in Al Khawkha District, Hodeidah Governorate.

The organization implemented many activities in that district that would respond to the crisis in that region, especially the IDPs and those in distress, to alleviate their suffering.

The organization has worked to implement the following activities:

  • Unconditional Cash Transfers:

Which benefits 400 displaced families, including 1,892 individuals.

  • Conditional Cash Transfers: Within the cash-for-work programme


Where 60 workers out of 90 90 displaced families work in construction of Gabion Defense, and 30 workers from those families work in cleaning campaigns.

  • Provisioning and Installation of Water Distribution Points:
    Where seventeen water distribution points have been provided and installed to benefit 337 families.
  • Water Trucking:
    which ensured the supply of potable water to all 17 water distribution points distributed to benefit 337 families.

The project will also work later to continue implementing activities, including distributing the remaining “conditional and unconditional” cash transfers while continuing to supply water to distribution points, all to support groups affected by the crisis and alleviate their suffering by improving their access to food.

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