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#NMO_ORG implements the project (Supporting the OOSC through innovative and integrated programming in child protection and education)

Within its sector in education and child protection, with support from #UNICEF and funding from the #European_Union#WarchildUK and #Nahda_Makers are implementing the project Supporting the OOSC through innovative and integrated programming in child protection and education to increase access to formal education in Al-Mokha district ( #Taiz Governorate ).

This project, which is being implemented, works to target 1,250 children who live inside camps and similar camps places and who do not have the ability and opportunities to access education. It will also target 50 teachers and 25 who work as temporary classroom supervisors, and 1,000 people from the community will be reached through various awareness activities.

The organization has previously worked to implement many different activities that serve this purpose, as follows:

  • ALP/BLN provision to the 1250 OOSC in the TLSs.
  • Providing TLS Supervisor, guards, and Cleaners & Guards for TLS.
  • Training teachers on ALP, basic concepts of reading and writing, ASER, and training on safe school protocol and the Crisis Context Training.
  • Establishment and Activation of CEC.
  • Awareness raising (community) about education.

The organization will also work in the coming days to implement other activities and complete the implementation plan for the project with the following activities:

  • Establishment of wooden temporary learning spaces (TLS).
  • Solar Systems for TLS.
  • Providing Fire Extinguishers for TLS.
  • Making Emergency Latrines for TLS.
  • ALP/BLN provision.
  • Provision of teaching and learning materials.
  • Incentives for the volunteer’s teachers.
  • Providing TLS Supervisor, guards, and cleaners for the temporary educational classrooms.

And other activities that will ensure that the most vulnerable children have equitable access to basic learning opportunities (access to quality education).

In fact, the organization in this sector implements many different projects that aim to provide children with access to education and provide the appropriate environment for that.


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