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#NMO_ORG continues to hold introductory workshops for its new project in the field of food security and livelihoods

Over the past days, #NMO_ORG continued to hold introductory workshops for its new project in the field of food security and livelihoods, which is the project “Increasing Resilience through Innovative and Sustainable Improvement of Food Security and Livelihoods for Returnees, IDPs, Migrants and Host Communities in the Western Coastal areas of Yemen” With the support of #DKH 

This project, which will improve adaptation, will pass through several stages:

  • Awareness stage: targeting 773 families.
  • The trial phase: which targets 290 families.
  • Vocational training phase: which targets 420 young men and women.
  • The stage of distributing the tools produced by the groups that have been trained: targeting 1430 families.
  • Distribution of dried food: targeting 3000 families. 

Through this, the project will work to improve adaptation through sustainable and innovative solutions in the field of food security and livelihoods. It seeks to address part of the challenges facing the western coastal region located on the Red Sea, which includes communities of traditional fishermen, by providing fuel-efficient cooking solutions (solar stoves and stoves). It will promote food drying practices with the introduction of enhanced food processing (drying) using solar dryers at the household and community level and will seek to create income-generating employment opportunities. 

The workshop aims to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the intervention strategy and project approach for the local authorities, to consult on the project phases, and to seek to involve the local authorities in implementing the various steps. 

The meeting was attended by: Director of the Planning and International Cooperation Office in Taiz, in addition to the Director of the Planning and International Cooperation Office, Director of the Executive Unit in Mocha, a member of the Local Council, an Administrative Specialist in the Office of Planning and International Cooperation, a representative of the Food Security Sector in the Office of Planning and International Cooperation in Taiz, The cash assistance coordinator - DKH and the team of #NMO_ORG represented by the project team.

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