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#NMO_ORG completes implementation of Sustainable WASH Solutions for Conflict-affected Communities

Within WASH, Sanitation & Hygiene sector, #NMO_ORG has completed the implementation of one of its most prominent sustainable projects, which is Sustainable WASH Solutions for Conflict-affected Communities in Yemen and in partnership with #Muslim_Aid

This project, which the organization has worked to implement, which will enable the population and families affected by the conflict in "Lahj", which Numbered 354 of targeted direct beneficiaries HHs and 446 of indirect beneficiaries HHs, to obtain safe and healthy water, as it worked on implementing many different activities as follows:

  • Construction of 354 rainwater harvesting tanks for 354 targeted HHs.
  • Distribution of 800 basic hygiene kits and 800 ceramic water filters for 800 targeted HHs. 
  • Conducting hygiene awareness-raising activities in the targeted areas about the following messages:
    • Open defecating.
    • How to store and transport water.
    • Cholera awareness.
    • COVID-19 prevention methods.
  • Construction of 3 rainwater harvesting units in the three targeted schools.
  • Rehabilitation for 7 latrines in addition to construct two new latrines in the three targeted schools.
  • Construction of 3 handwashing stations in the three schools.
  • Providing the three targeted schools with water network to connect the schools’ latrines and the handwashing stations with the newly constructed rainwater harvesting units; in addition to provide and install 1500 L polyethylene water tanks for the three schools. 
  • providing and installing a water pump with a solar system for the three targeted schools to lift water from the RWHUs to the polyethylene water tanks above each roof of the three school. 
  • Provision of School Hygiene kits for the three schools.
  • Distribution of 265 BHKs for the three schools.
  • Distribution of 30 ceramic water filters with their iron bases for the three schools (10 CWFs per each school).

All of this aims to help the population in conflict areas to meet their basic needs for water and improve hygiene practices to prevent waterborne diseases and coronavirus infection with the Coronavirus (Covid-19).

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