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#NMO_ORG concludes the Livelihood Improvement Project through Cash and Agricultural Assistance

#NMO_ORG concluded its sustainable project, which is the Livelihood Improvement Project through Cash and Agricultural Assistance in Radfan “Lahij” and Beihan “Shabwa” with the support of #YHF

This project, which the organization worked on implementing, helped farmers and very vulnerable families who own agricultural land to improve the level of income through the implementation of many activities:

  • Providing cash assistance through cash transfers for more than a month.
  • Distribution of seeds and agricultural tools so that farmers can cultivate their land.
  • Awareness of beneficiaries on crop production and modern techniques in agriculture.

Consequently, this project has increased the income of farming families and rehabilitated the productive assets of 14,666 beneficiaries, which will enable them to meet their immediate needs and restore and improve their livelihoods in areas experiencing high levels of food insecurity.

It is noteworthy that this project is one of the sustainable projects implemented by the #NMO, which is affiliated with the Food Security and Livelihoods Sector.

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