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#NMO_ORG implements the workshop on training recovery platforms at the governorate and district

Within the project “Strengthening Institutional and Economic Resilience in Yemen (SIERY)”, the United Nations Development Program #UNDP, in cooperation with #NMO_ORG, with funding from the #European_Union, and in coordination with Ministry of Local Administration, implemented recovery platforms training at the governorates-districts level (DRPs).

This workshop, which is held in “Aden, Taiz, Hadramaut, Lahj, and Ma’rib” involves 481 participants, including facilitators at the governorate and district levels, the private sector, community committees, civil society organizations, people with special needs, and youth. This workshop discusses developing district recovery plans and how to prepare the strategic plan.

All of this aims to provide participants with the skills and concepts of recovery plans, their mechanism of action, the purpose, and a review of the plans and needs, each according to their sector.

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