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Success Stories

Distributed Non-Food Items Project

 IDPs still stuck inside, they displacedfrom place to another looking for the peace andescaping of the war. Most of them are sufferingdifficult situations in the absence of stability andthey cannot find a safety place . The suffering of displacement people does notstop on losing their own hous...

The impact of distributing a solar lamp with the NFIs

The ongoing conflict in the country continue to weigh heavily on the citizen, resulting in psychological and material suffering for the citizens. One of the most prominent problems is the problem of the IDPs, who are displaced from their areas by war. Displaced people suffer from many problems...

Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life

Most people prefer to follow through on their old beliefs and behaviours even if they are causing them harm. However, changing beliefs and behaviours is the cornerstone of any development project and all of the projects have to be people-centred. This is because the community is the foundatio...

Nahda Makers Rehabilitate the Water Scheme in Al-Maqatera

Access to water is one of the biggest challenges facing the community in the District of Al-Maqatera. The region is characterized by its rugged mountainous terrain, which makes fetching water a challenging task in which people walk long distances back and forth carrying heavy plastic jerrycans....

The Emergency Distribution to Al-Hudaydah IDPS.

                 Zakaria Yahya Nasir al-Hadrami lives with his wife and five children in Hays after he was forced by the war to leave his house in Beit Maghazi area and move to Hayes district. Zakaria was displaced two months ago and did not receive any aid from any party. Zakaria was one...

The Emergency Distribution to Al-Hudaydah IDPS.

               Zakaria Yahya Nasir al-Hadrami lives with his wife and five children in Hays after he was forced by the war to leave his house in Beit Maghazi area and move to Hayes district. Zakaria was displaced two months ago and did not receive any aid from any party. Zakaria was one of...

Aisha ….. Happiness

  Displaced families from the governorates that are suffering the armed conflict have difficult and tragic conditions where the most basic elements of life  like food,water and medicine, as well as shelter are lacking Nahda Makers Organization(NMO) is implementing the Non-Food items (NFIs) dist...

Rehabilitation of health facilities

Rehabilitation of health facilities improves the health of our village`s citizen Maqatera is one of Districts in Lahj.  That was targeted by The Integrated  Wash response project in high food insecurity and malnutrition district in Lahj.  The mainobjective of the project was that the district s...

Distribution of filter in (Dhamaran)

Yusefien area in ALQabaytah, in Dhamaran village, have been suffering from shortage of water during drought season. Where the families of this  village try tocope with this issue by constructing rain harvesting water  tanks to keep as muchas possible of rainwater.  The families of the village ...