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Our harvest in 2023

See the infographic that shows what has been implemented in 2023

In 2023, we sought to work in 5 sectors to implement projects that have an effective impact on the beneficiaries in 8 governorates (Aden, Abyan, Taiz, Al-Hudaydah, Hadramaut, Al-Mahra, Lahj, and Ma’rib) in partnership with 16 different donors and partners to reach 76,201 projects beneficiaries and implement 18 different projects. 

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Education Support for IDPs in Lahj & Hodeidah

See a summary of what we have done in the Education Support for IDPs in Lahj & Hodeidah project funded by #YHFWhich worked to intervene in 7schools in order to improve the capacity & quality of schools in those areas.

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